The TrezEx Hungária Zrt. which is a key player in the Hungarian cash logistics and CIT industry has chosen the EntraQuick® quick folding gate security solution designed and produced by Perimeter Protection Germany GmbH.
Due to its premium quality and exceptional high performance this gate range meets all requirements coming from the increasing logistics workload and tightening security regulations.
“We were looking for security solution which is really designed for extreme industrial duty and what we can rely on long term.” tells Ferenc Hajdu, TreZex Hungária Zrt. Chief of Security and adds: “One of the key planning aspects was the security of our employees which is why we chose the TÜV type-tested EntraQuick® folding gate range.
The gate tailored to our demands accordingly, the offered additional options and the expert quick installation performed by Blocker Kft. proven the correctness of our decision.”
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